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Endoscopies are non-surgical assessments of the digestive tract. During an endoscopy procedure in Jacksonville, the doctor will insert a long tube with a tiny camera attached to it and pass it through the mouth, maneuvering the tube through the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and upper digestive system. An endoscopy that covers the upper digestive system is frequently called an upper endoscopy, whereas an endoscopy that covers the lower digestive system and the colon is referred to as a colonoscopy.

Parts of the small intestine may be viewable with an upper endoscopy. These are procedures that may be recommended as part of a routine gastrointestinal checkup or as an assessment of gastrointestinal disorders. Usually the doctor will order an endoscopy when you are exhibiting some gastrointestinal symptoms and after ruling out minor or acute problems. Sometimes, blood work may be ordered prior to the endoscopy too. In some cases, the endoscopy may coincide with or be replaced by an endoscopic biopsy, during which the doctor is simultaneously taking tissue samples while peering through the endoscope. An endoscopy is essential for identifying problems such as inflammation, infection, or abnormal growth. The biopsy would allow the doctor to take a tissue sample to send to a laboratory.

The term endoscopy is from the Greek for an inside view—which is essentially what the procedure does: provides you and your doctor with a view of what is going on inside your digestive system. Although the procedure does not take a long time and is non-surgical in nature, it is slightly invasive. Because an endoscopy requires an empty digestive tract, the patient needs to refrain from eating or drinking anything after midnight the day before the procedure. With a colonoscopy, the doctor may also recommend a laxative or enema to clean the system prior to the procedure.