Baby Boomers Should Get Tested by a Gastroenterologist for Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C Virus
Many people in the Baby Boomer generation know that they need to take great care of their health. However, many do not realize that there are millions of Americans of that generation who may have hepatitis C. This virus can stay in the body without causing any symptoms for decades, only to rear its head later and cause serious problems with a person’s liver, which could include cancer.

What Is Causing the Rise of Hepatitis C?

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently recommended that anyone who was born between 1945 and 1965 should be tested to see if they have hepatitis C. They have found that two-thirds of patients who are suffering from the virus are part of the Baby Boomer generation. Why are so many Baby Boomers suddenly affected by this problem?

There are many reasons, in fact. In some cases, it may have been contracted by taking illicit drugs. This will allow the virus to get into the bloodstream, which leads to the next way that patients could have contracted hepatitis C – blood transfusions. Prior to 1992, blood donors were not tested for Hepatitis C. Some patients are not able to pinpoint when they may have gotten the infection.

What Are Some Symptoms of Hepatitis C?

Many times, the virus will not cause any outward symptoms. It often works within the body to cause problems for the liver, as mentioned. However, there are some symptoms that may manifest, according to the CDC. These include fever, fatigue, nausea, appetite loss, vomiting, and abdominal pain. If you suffer from these issues, whether it is hepatitis C or something else, you should be examined by a medical professional.

What Should Baby Boomers Do?

Even for those who have not shown any signs or symptoms of hepatitis C, it does not mean that you are safe. Due to the nature of the virus, the only way that you can be sure you do not have hepatitis C is to visit your doctor and get tested.

At Digestive Disease Consultants in Jacksonville, we can provide you with the screening that you need. We will let you know whether or not you have the virus and what you can do to help combat it if you do. Get in touch today, so you can take control of your health sooner rather than later.

What is the Best Treatment for Colitis?

It is estimated that more than a million Americans suffer from colitis and its related conditions like Crohn’s disease. These two illnesses are so similar, in fact, that before a diagnosis is reached, many cases of Crohn’s disease are called colitis, even if these cases don’t end up evolving into ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the two most common kinds of colitis found in patients.

In fact, there is a wide spectrum of digestive disease at work in the world today, which both falls within and without the existing framework of disease identification. But why the upsurge in gut disease in recent decades? And where can I find the best treatment for colitis in Jacksonville?

Where Does Colitis come From?

Our modern diets are very different today from how they were thousands of years ago. Humanity has shifted from a daily diet of meats, roots, and berries, to a diet dominated largely by grain and processed meats. It’s possible, even likely, that our contemporary choices in foods are at least partially to blame for the surge of diseases such as Crohn’s, IBS & colitis.

What Can I Do?

What’s the best treatment for colitis in Jacksonville? Of course, general upkeep of your health is an obvious plus; better nutrition, exercise, etcetera. Once pain sets in after diarrhea, or if, right after going, you feel you need to go again, it’s time to check in with some digestive disease professionals to see what’s going on. Other symptoms of colitis include fever, chills, fatigue, and dehydration, as well as general malaise.

Generally, if you have had a poor diet, experienced obesity, diabetes, or other common diet-related illnesses, you may be at greater risk for a digestive disease, and it might be wise to consult with a professional. What professional resources exist in the Jacksonville area to help you get your life back from colitis?

The Answer to Digestive Disease

For the best treatment for colitis in Jacksonville, our team at Digestive Disease Consultants (DDC) will make sure you’re in good hands. With four locations and a staff of passionate doctors with decades of real experience fighting colitis, we’re sure to meet your every need and send you away with the hope that the end is in sight for your inflammatory bowel disease. Get in touch with us by calling 904-388-8686 or by filling out our contact form found here:

What Can Be Found During a Colonoscopy?

If you have gone through a colonoscopy, you probably are interested in understanding what findings can come from this procedure. There are a few different things that may be found, which we will go into more depth about below. Many of these issues can be treated quickly, so don’t get worried while considering the possibilities. In all likelihood, you’ll come out with a clean bill of health and won’t have to worry about the procedure again for a long time.

The most likely result of a colonoscopy that shows up with abnormal findings is the presence of polyps. These are growths that can be found in the colon. In most cases these polyps are benign, but they do have the possibility of becoming cancerous. As such, your gastroenterologist will likely choose to remove any polyps found. This can lower your risk of getting colon cancer in the future.

Another typical result of this specialized procedure is called diverticulosis. This type of condition refers to small pouches that develop in the colon. In most cases, patients with this issue will have never had symptoms of it. In some cases, if the pockets are inflamed it can lead to diverticulitis, which can have symptoms of diarrhea, fevers, and abdominal pain. In some cases, the pockets may also bleed, which will lead to blood in the toilet. If you have this symptom, it is critical you seek medical attention as soon as you can.

The next problem that may be found using this procedure is hemorrhoids. These are swollen veins that are located near the anal canal. This condition is very common, and your doctor may provide you with several different treatment options. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include bleeding, itching, and pain.

The last possible condition that may be found is an anal fissure. What this means is that there is a tear or cut in the lining of the anus. This can cause itching, pain, and bleeding. In most cases, this condition is treated with topical ointments and increasing the fiber in your diet.

For those who have more questions about a colonoscopy, you can share your concerns with a staff member at Digestive Disease Consultants in Jacksonville, Florida. They cover most information on their website, but you can also reach them by phone at 904-388-8686. Feel free to call with concerns or to make an appointment for a procedure or test.